School Social Worker
Libby Pollak is a Master’s level social worker available to assist students in managing challenges.
Mrs. Pollak can assess depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, etc., and is available to see students for occasional crises or ongoing support during difficult times. If sessions with an outside counselor are needed, the School Social Worker offers help to families in finding a good match with a community professional.
Students and parents are welcome to stop by Mrs. Pollak's office, located off the Main Lobby, or contact her by phone or email. The right of students and parents to privacy and discretion is highly respected. Conversations with students and parents are confidential unless there is a significant safety risk involved or other agreements are reached.
Mental Health Resources for Students and Families
- Mental Health Self-Screening Tools
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Virtual Calming Room
- Local Resources
- Faith-Based Support and Resources
- Have Hope
- Resources for LGBTQ+ Youth
- Resources for Grieving Youth
- Smoking and Vaping Cessation for Teens
- Resources for Managing Technology/Social Media Balance
- Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Mental Health Self-Screening Tools
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Virtual Calming Room
Local Resources
Faith-Based Support and Resources
Have Hope
Resources for LGBTQ+ Youth
Resources for Grieving Youth
Smoking and Vaping Cessation for Teens
Resources for Managing Technology/Social Media Balance
Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Missed a previous issue of the Mental Health Newsletter? Check out the links below!