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Alumni Association

Alumni leadership is vital and the Alumni Association Board of Directors serves a significant role in the leadership of the School.

The Brebeuf Jesuit Alumni Association exists to create an organization through which alumni and friends can contribute to the promotion, growth, development, and welfare of Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School and Brebeuf Jesuit alumni.

Special Initiatives Supported by the Alumni Association

  • Provide scholarship programs for Brebeuf Jesuit legacies
  • Assist class representatives in planning class reunions, homecoming, and similar activities on and off the Brebeuf Jesuit campus
  • Sponsor recreational and other appropriate nonprofit activities involving alumni
  • Encourage united action in promotion and advancing the mission of Brebeuf Jesuit
  • Provide award and recognition activities for alumni who have distinguished themselves through professional achievements, community service and/or Brebeuf Jesuit involvement
  • Assist and participate in fundraising activities for Brebeuf Jesuit so it may further its mission.

Interested in joining the Brebeuf Jesuit Alumni Board?  

Wish to nominate someone for the the Board?  If so, please fill out the form below.

You may also download the form and mail it to:

Alumni Relations
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
2801 W. 86th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268

2024-2025 Alumni Association Board of Directors

Executive Committee

  • Ms. Lynn Farrell ‘98, President

  • Ms. Jenny Brusslan ‘94, Past-President

  • Mr. Norman Williams ‘90, President-Elect

  • Mr. Chase Slaughter ‘03, Treasurer

  • Mr. Tom Green ‘10, Secretary

Alumni Board Members