Ignatian Scholars
The Ignatian Scholars is a three-year program that focuses on academics, service, leadership, and career exploration. Ignatian Scholars are typically students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and leadership as freshmen at Brebeuf Jesuit. Students accepted in the Ignatian Scholars program are expected to apply for and complete the AP Capstone program their junior and senior year.
Important Upcoming Dates
Information Session
January 26, 2023
Application Opens
February 1, 2023
Application Deadline
March 1, 2023
Structure of the Class
Sophomore Year
For sophomores, the class will meet once a week during a PRT. Class periods will be designed to help students discover their strengths and potential career focuses. In addition, we will welcome speakers to campus to address areas of interest. Second semester, Ignatian Scholars will continue to meet with the Ignatian Scholars Coordinator and partake in Sophomore Seminar, while continuing their Ignatian Scholars activities.
Junior Year
In the junior year, students will meet formally at least twice with the Ignatian Scholars Coordinator to discuss their individual goals. The Ignatian Scholars coordinator will work with the students to identify opportunities and individuals to assist them as they research potential careers and majors in college. Juniors will also be assigned as a mentor to the current sophomore class of Ignatian Scholars.
Senior Year
Senior year, Ignatian Scholars have the opportunity to work Brebeuf alumni who are or have been enrolled at colleges and universities where the Scholar is applying. Alternatively, they may connect with Brebeuf alumni or parents who are currently working in career fields that interest them.
The Sophomore Ignatian Scholars class will complete a service activity that is chosen by the Scholars, to benefit their community. Ignatian Scholars from other grades will be invited to participate.
Class of 2025 Programming and Activities
Ethics in Leadership
Dr. William Enright
Overcoming Adversity
Dillon Howell '18
Moral Reasoning Workshop
DePauw University
Admissions Case Study
University of Chicago
Necessity of Community Engagement
Pamela Ross, VP CICF
Careers in Sports
Susan Baughman, CEO, 2022 Indy College Football Championship
Civic Leadership as a Vocation
Hon. Scott Fadness, Mayor of Fishers
Building Your Brand
Chelsea DuKate, Founder and President, Red Envelope
Care and Engagement of Others
Dove Recovery House
Building a Purposeful and Effective Network
Lauren Peterson, Mitch Daniels Leadership Foundation
AP Capstone Presentation
Ms. Miller, Ms. Parson, Dr. Califf, and classes
Service Project