Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Committee Objectives
- Advancement Committee
- Building and Grounds Committee
- Education Committee
- Finance and Audit Committee
- Jesuit Identity Committee
- Governance Committee
- Student Life Committee
Advancement Committee
Building and Grounds Committee
Education Committee
Finance and Audit Committee
Jesuit Identity Committee
Governance Committee
Student Life Committee
Brebeuf Jesuit Trustees
- Becoming a Brebeuf Jesuit Trustee
- What is the Primary Role of the Brebeuf Jesuit Trustees?
- How does an Individual become a Brebeuf Jesuit Trustee?
- How do Names of Potential Brebeuf Jesuit Trustees Surface?
Becoming a Brebeuf Jesuit Trustee
What is the Primary Role of the Brebeuf Jesuit Trustees?
How does an Individual become a Brebeuf Jesuit Trustee?
How do Names of Potential Brebeuf Jesuit Trustees Surface?
Board Officers
Hon. James Sweeney, '79
Sumi Maun
Vice Chair
Br. Mark Mackey, S.J.
Jim Power